Des machines prédictives de l’Antiquité jusqu’aux applications à faible code ou sans code actuelles, l’Intelligence Artificielle jalonne notre quotidien. Bien souvent, nous l’utilisons machinalement, sans le savoir.
Germany’s capital leads among 50 cities to start a company in, Zurich counts 76% foreign-born founders, and Vienna has the highest share of women entrepreneurs (34%), a survey says.
CEOs and CFOs overestimating their own abilities and urging for constant admiration and affirmation are most likely to fraud and show non-integrate behaviors, a survey shows.
ClearImage AI, a Luxembourg-based AI technology company, is about to launch a solution that looks after seniors in their daily life. Kris Bober, its CEO, explains how he struggled to get help and financing from the local government and authorities.
The smiling and softly speaking expressive humanoid developed by LuxAI encourages children to learn and practice social, emotional and cognitive skills.